Thursday 18 April 2013

My Small Intelligent Kid...!

I was having  this conversation with my 3 and a half year old boy last night about different things, what he likes or how was his day. Now a days he is having his little cousins over our place as their mother is under-treatment of cancer, being the only child at home he bears a Princley attitude but he doesnt get the complete attention anymore as a result he gets irritating or rather to say irritated...misbehaves alot, quarrel with the fellow cousins.
I was a bit worried, that i havent developed his nature for sharing and to adjust with other kids, normally play and all.
I asked him if you want siblings a brother or a my amazement he replied both but a sister first. I said to him but you fight,bully you cant get one...he then said if i do so Mama i know you won't buy(:)) me one..expecting a funny reply i said do we bring babies from shops. He confidently said No Mama ALLAH The Almighty gives us. I smiled and prolonged our chat adding okay when you'll get one, how will you takecare of your baby sister. There was a sparkle in his eyes, spread his arms wide, what i thought he is going to say by bringing lots and lots of toys and presents for her but i was wrong My small intelligent boy's answer was by giving her pleeeeenttttyyyy of love as plenty as of water in the Sea!!!!
His words touched my heart, brought tears to me eyes hugged him tight and thanked ALLAH for giving me such a beautiful, priceless gift in the form of my son.
What more can I or anyone ask from life?! This is an infinite feeling and i am going to cheerish throughout my life....:) One day when he'll be all grown up and i a weaky bonnie i will definitely tell his innocent meaningful tale..

Tuesday 16 April 2013

As i woke up this morning i did not get  a good feeling of how i am leading my life...i am a mother of one, a 28 years old, i am living a very home bound life. There came several moments when i thought that i should start jotting down my heart out but i guess today was the day to spill my beans
Lately i have been extremely busy looking after my house,the family rather to say years. I dont dislike where i am right now but certainly too much bothered by 'How' i have become! I want to do so much besides just being totally domestic. At the end of the day when i throw up myself on the bed, all i take out time for myself is to play with my mobile or watch t.v...and then the same routine is being carried for the next day.
I have almost next to no friends. And i think i do not belong to such an age group where i can still make good friends..acquaintances would be the correct word to describe for the people i now encounter with.
There are many gaps which i feel cannot be filled but thats quite alright because I am not perfect.
All empty headed, (thats exactly what i call myself as being busy physically does not guarantees you to be occupied mentally aswell) i have started thinking like a below average person...discussing people, getting irritated by their behaviour, arguing with my husband over petty issues,living in my past...ahh so much more.
I wonder when i'll be able to overcome my own fears...i don't want to end up being a depressive soul which i never was neither i want to make big promises to myself that one day i will become a social butterfly or a working lady who will leave behind the cosiness of home. I will be very happy with little activities which are totally apart from my daily ones. A bit of fresh air,freedom of anything which I Want To Do...simple!